¨This is a space for dream words, love words, made up words, fall down and get up words. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold.¨

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quote of the Week

I like when my friends say funny things, it makes me feel better about saying funny things myself. It also cheers me up later when I remember whatever was said. Hence the list in my journal of friend-quotes. Also, hence this post, because sometimes you just need to share the joy.

This is Jordan:

Jordan looks way more hardcore in this picture than he is in real life.

Maybe it's the juxtaposition of Hipster boy and fluffy kitten.

( Just a hypothesis. )

Jordan has a collection of kitten sweaters. They're magnificent.

Jordan informed me at breakfast earlier this week that:

"You have to be careful about when you wear a kitten sweater. You have to think about it. They can be distracting. . . I mean, if you wear a kitten sweater to class all day, you're not going to be thinking about the right things."

Words of wisdom.

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