¨This is a space for dream words, love words, made up words, fall down and get up words. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold.¨

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Long-Overdue Introduction

Dear World,

Meet David.

David is the brother-my-age that I never had.

What does that mean?

That means that he makes me crazy a lot, and I hardly ever agree with him, but it also means that I can count on him to know exactly what to say when I need a good laugh, and when I need it.

It's usually something along the lines of...

"Hey Charlie, what do an orange and a horse have in common?"

"I don't know David, what DO an orange and a horse have in common?"

"They're both orange...except for the horse..."

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Also, David has a great girlfriend. She's awesome, really. I mean, all I really know about her I learned from creeping on her on facebook, but he's crazy about her, and she has Harry Potter jokes on her profile. As far as I'm concerned, that's all she needs for a stamp of approval. Someday I'll meet her in person, fingers crossed.

David sent me the entire series of Studio 60 for my birthday. All six disks of it.

I love brothers.
And birthdays.
And homework-free Thursday nights.

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