¨This is a space for dream words, love words, made up words, fall down and get up words. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold.¨

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Facebook,

Admitting you have a problem is the first step....


I'm taking a break from Facebook. Stalking other people is a great procrastination tool for avoiding writing papers, but most professors won't accept it as a valid excuse.


Plus, there are tons of other cooler, more productive things I could be doing instead.

These include, but are not limited too:

1. My homework.
2. Finishing Les Miserables.
3. Learning more than 4 chords on the guitar.
4. Expanding my ASL vocabulary.
5. Talking to real human beings.
6. Working on my coloring book collection.
7. Taking pictures.
8. Solving world hunger.

I'm going to go a week and see how I feel.


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