¨This is a space for dream words, love words, made up words, fall down and get up words. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold.¨

Monday, September 27, 2010

La Historia de un Amistad

Dear World, meet Jeremy Lee:

Jeremy and I were born in the same city.

He lives five minutes away from my sister´s house.

Our parents now live an hour away from each other.

We´ll be students at the same university in the spring.

That university is on the opposite end of California from where we live.

I just transferred to that university in May.

He transferred there at the beginning of last year.

We both love swing dancing, apples, and Mexico.

We didn´t find most of this out until we sat next to each other in Spanish class in South America.

We did meet once before crossing the Equator, but only because we have two mutual friends:

One of my best friends from high school in northern California,

And my future roommate, who I met on a mission trip to Mexico last summer through the same university, a year before I even thought about transferring there.

They both happen to go to the same university, and happened to be in the same summer program with Jeremy in San Diego.

I went to visit before I knew for sure if my transfer application would be accepted. I had applied to Ecuador, so our mutual friends introduced us, even though I didn´t know yet if I was going to get to go.

We all ate pb&j together, and then Jeremy forgot my name.

And now, four months and 3879 miles later, here we are.

Safe to say God wants us to be friends?

I´d say it´s a pretty safe bet.


  1. love this! there is no greater joy for me than my worlds meshing and people i think are GREAT meeting each other and then thinking each other are great. love and miss you both. (ps: love this pic of j lee.)

  2. yea im pretty sure u placed a safe bet there and id back u on that one
