¨This is a space for dream words, love words, made up words, fall down and get up words. Be creative. Be generous. Be bold.¨

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Studying Stream of Consciousness from the Stacks

[This is dedicated to Cassie, because she loves my train-wrecks of thought...]

"This is best Cliff bar I've ever eaten...

...that's a lie. But it's good, really good...

I love the stacks....

....the stacks are not a place for socializing....

....if you want to have a private conversation, you probably shouldn't have it in the library...

WHY is it so bloody WARM in here?

...also, why is Annie Brooks so catchy?

I have so much work to do....

....I'm not getting any of it done right now...

....sometimes I just want to drop out and live in a cheap room where I can keep my dog and work at starbucks until Jesus comes back....

...most of the time though, that seems like a really boring, lonely idea...

....but sometimes . . .

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